UnderTheWire Century Guide

here's how to solve the Century level 3 → 4

Back to the Century Guides

Previous Level Guide: Century Level 2 → 3


SSH: ssh century3@century.underthewire.tech -p 22

Password: invoke-webrequest443


The password for Century4 is the number of files on the desktop.


To get the password, it's just counting the amount of files in there. You'll think this will be a really timely task, as counting is boring, good thing that we have the .Count property. We just need to list all the files and count them like this:

(Get-ChildItem -File).Count


Only thing we need to do is execute the command from the theory, although be careful when using the dir command, because it will list all the files and fill up your shell:

PS C:\users\century3\desktop> dir

    Directory: C:\users\century3\desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1012
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1064
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1079
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1099
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1118
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1128
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1134
-a----        8/30/2018   3:29 AM             33 countme1153

So if we just use the command we'll get the number of files, which is the password for the next level:

PS C:\users\century3\desktop> (Get-ChildItem -File).Count

And that's the password! Now we should be good to go to the next level.

Next Level Guide: Century Level 4 → Level 5